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Bay Area Council for Soviet Jews

, Harold and Doug Kahn speaking with Mark Yampolsky (box 99, folder 32)
, Harold and Doug Kahn speaking with Mark Yampolsky (box 99, folder 32)
American Jewish Congress, N.Y.—briefing kit for travelers to the USSR. [Box 3, folder 36]
American Jewish Congress, N.Y.—briefing kit for travelers to the USSR. [Box 3, folder 36]
American Jewish Historical Society finding aid for the David Waksberg papers
American Jewish Historical Society finding aid for the David Waksberg papers
American Jewish Historical Society finding aid for the Joel G. Ackerman Soviet Jewry collection
American Jewish Historical Society finding aid for the Joel G. Ackerman Soviet Jewry collection
American Jewish Historical Society finding aid for the Leslie Schaffer papers
American Jewish Historical Society finding aid for the Leslie Schaffer papers